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TNA – The Good and Bad

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It has been a while since I last posted on here, but after all the hype surrounding TNA at the minute I thought it would be a good time to post my opinions, not that anyone cares.

First of all, well done TNA for managing to get Eric Bischoff, fair enough Hulk Hogan is a legend and rightly so, but Bischoff is an infinite source of knowledge when it comes to wrestling and how to promote your business. I hope they are listening and letting Bischoff have more of a say in creative meetings than Hogan. Let Hogan be the “big face” of the company, but let Bischoff do what he is good at, which is making money.

Also they signed Mr.Anderson and Meth Hardy, or is it Jeff? Who knows. But these two add somewhat of an interest to the product.  Mr.Anderson hopefully will get some momentum through the next year and move on to a world title feud, barring that he doesn’t get injured. Same kind of goes for Jeff Hardy, only replacing injuries for drugs.

Even though all this new talent may be a good thing, too much of a good thing can sometimes have its downside. Looking at the TNA Roster on paper there is a lot of talent that could be pushed to main event status, and there is a lot of talent which IS main event status.  In my opinion 14 or so in total. That’s good if you have a lot of TV time to showcase your talent and expose them to the world, but that is the main problem with TNA, TV time and utilising it efficiently. On the typical episode of iMPACT, you can expect a singles match, a tag match, a gimmick match and the rest is filler or promos. The guys who could be filling the time are used every so often or on a “need to use basis” and when they are showcased no one actually cares as they have invested no time in to making the fans care about that wrestler.

Angelo Dinero for example beat TNA World Champion AJ Styles one week, only to appear in a smaller capacity the next week, and almost not all the following week.  If TNA had more TV time that momentum could have been carried on to the next show and not have to have been rushed or forgotten about.  Two hours a week and 57 active wrestlers, where is the logic? The answer is gain more TV time or lose some wrestlers from your roster.

Also what is up with some wrestlers feuding more than one person at one time?

Okay rant over, please leave your comments and opinions even if they are negative!  : )


Written by Callum MacInnes

January 28, 2010 at 1:36 am

Posted in Misc

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