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Posts Tagged ‘wrestling

TNA – The Good and Bad

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It has been a while since I last posted on here, but after all the hype surrounding TNA at the minute I thought it would be a good time to post my opinions, not that anyone cares.

First of all, well done TNA for managing to get Eric Bischoff, fair enough Hulk Hogan is a legend and rightly so, but Bischoff is an infinite source of knowledge when it comes to wrestling and how to promote your business. I hope they are listening and letting Bischoff have more of a say in creative meetings than Hogan. Let Hogan be the “big face” of the company, but let Bischoff do what he is good at, which is making money.

Also they signed Mr.Anderson and Meth Hardy, or is it Jeff? Who knows. But these two add somewhat of an interest to the product.  Mr.Anderson hopefully will get some momentum through the next year and move on to a world title feud, barring that he doesn’t get injured. Same kind of goes for Jeff Hardy, only replacing injuries for drugs.

Even though all this new talent may be a good thing, too much of a good thing can sometimes have its downside. Looking at the TNA Roster on paper there is a lot of talent that could be pushed to main event status, and there is a lot of talent which IS main event status.  In my opinion 14 or so in total. That’s good if you have a lot of TV time to showcase your talent and expose them to the world, but that is the main problem with TNA, TV time and utilising it efficiently. On the typical episode of iMPACT, you can expect a singles match, a tag match, a gimmick match and the rest is filler or promos. The guys who could be filling the time are used every so often or on a “need to use basis” and when they are showcased no one actually cares as they have invested no time in to making the fans care about that wrestler.

Angelo Dinero for example beat TNA World Champion AJ Styles one week, only to appear in a smaller capacity the next week, and almost not all the following week.  If TNA had more TV time that momentum could have been carried on to the next show and not have to have been rushed or forgotten about.  Two hours a week and 57 active wrestlers, where is the logic? The answer is gain more TV time or lose some wrestlers from your roster.

Also what is up with some wrestlers feuding more than one person at one time?

Okay rant over, please leave your comments and opinions even if they are negative!  : )


Written by Callum MacInnes

January 28, 2010 at 1:36 am

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A tribute to the most awesome theme of all time…

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If you read my last two reviews of ECW, you will know how much I mark for Yoshi Tatsu’s theme. It makes me happy and I feel the need to share it with everyone.

I reccomend taking a look at some stuff from before he got the call up to the main roster.  Hopefully he will be the world champion by Wrestlemania 27.  I don’t have a man crush, honestly.


Written by Callum MacInnes

July 11, 2009 at 5:52 pm

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ECW Review | July 7th

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Unfortunately the most uninteresting part of the show is first, and the most annoying. The whore sisters come out and tell us their names and they are the Bella Twins. Katie Lee Burchill comes out and the first match is Katie Lee vs Nikki Bella. Katie Lee dominated until Brie switched with Nikki allowing Brie to pick up the win.

Rating ( * )

A recap from last week is shown of Shelton Benjamin mocking newcomer Yoshi Tatsu.

Back to this week and out comes Yoshi Tatsu with his AWESOME theme, I can’t put in words how much his theme makes me smile.  Out comes Shelton Benjamin, who is a bit more serious this week.  Some good offense by Yoshi who has a cool move set, we didn’t get to see much of what he can do last week so this was kind of a proving match so to speak. They tease the kick which Yoshi hit last week, Shelton wants no part of being hit with the kick. Yoshi hits a sweet springboard spinning wheel kick for a two count. Shelton goes for the spinning kick, Yoshi ducks and catches Sheltons leg, attemps his kick to the head, Shelton ducks and hits Pay Dirt for the win.

Awesome match!

Rating ( *** )

Next up is Eziekiel Jackson, who gets his own little promo in the split screen as he comes to the ring. He is wrestling “Jobber Number 30212” could have been “30232”, apparetly his name is Jack Merridol. Standard squash match showing us what Zeik is capable of doing. Finish sees Zeik hit his Rock Bottom type move for the win.

Ziek looked good in this squash match, hope this is a sign of him being used on a regular basis.

Rating ( * )

Backstage a woman falls from a ladder! OH NOES! OMG! >_< But wait, the Hurricane catches her. And as quick as he appeared, he vanishes.

Did you know ECW was the most watched show on SyFy for the past 40 weeks? Actually, more to the point, do you care?

We now have another edition of the Abraham Washington show. Washington introduces Tommy Dreamer and tells him he is the biggest superstar in ECW history, but unfortunately he means he is actually the BIGGEST superstar in history and tells him to use a diet. A few more fat jokes later, Dreamer asks if he uses a spray can for his hair or a bowl cut. Hahahaha. Wow, somebody get this guy on Comedy Channel.  Tommy says he is so proud of people like Rey Mysterio, CM Punk and people who have made their start on ECW, and also Eddie Guererro for a massive pop. They exchange some banter until Washtington asks who he thinks will win tonights match between Christian & Vladimir Coleslaw ( DAMNIT, I used to say that before he did ) Tommy says Christian will win. Vladimir comes out and gets in the ring, smiles and raises his arms in the air.

Vladmir is in the ring ready for his match with Christian to decide who will get the oppurtunity to wrestle Dreamer for the ECW Championship at Night of Champions. Dreamer joins commentary with Josh Matthews and Matt Striker.

Christian vs Vladmir was better than expected. Vladimir was made to look good and dominated most of the match. The finish came when Christian pushed Kozlov in to the exposed steel on the turnbuckle followed by the Killswitch for the win. Christian will meet Tommy Dreamer at Night of Champions for the ECW Championship.

Good match, I really think Kozlov can succeed now he is on ECW. He definitely didn’t look bad against Christian and held his own.

( ** )

Once again, a good show from ECW.

*No Sheamus this week, but hopefully he will wrestle next week.

*Really enjoyed the match between Yoshi Tatsu and Shelton Benjamin, I hope they carry on the feud.

Written by Callum MacInnes

July 9, 2009 at 8:14 pm

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ECW Review | 30 June

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ECW starts with Tiffany welcoming everyone to a new era of ECW. Putting over the draft which ECW got screwed in, then informs the crowd ECW got some amazing talent.

One of which was Shelton Benjamin, who got a mixed reaction. Also tonight the N.T.I is in place, which brings out newcomer Yoshi Tatsu who has an AWESOME theme!

Shelton plays the racist and gets a pop for his antics, mocks Japanese people, very funny. Yoshi won with a kick to the head while Shelton was bowing to him, cool debut!

Rating ( Can’t rate it as they didn’t really wrestle )

Another new superstar Abraham Washington is shown backstage, he is debuting his new talk show after the commercial break.

We are back, Abraham comes out ( haha ) to introduce himself. He can cut a good promo, and has a presence, but the live crowd pissed on him. He interviewed Brie & Nikki Bella, which I suppose didn’t help as all he did was hit on them. Not literally hitting them as that would be hilarious. He asked them who was the first to kiss, who lost their virginity first, all the PG questions you would expect! They argued as Brie insisted she lost it first. Okay segment at best.

Next up is Sheamus vs Oliver John, Sheamus is also making his debut. Sheamus cut a promo saying he is going to take over ECW. Oliver John gets his butt kicked with only a small flurry of attack. Sheamus over with the Uranage Backbreaker, I think they could call it the ImPALEr as Sheamus is sooooo white!

Good squash match, had a bit of psychology as Sheamus worked the back for his finisher.

Rating ( ** )

Backstage Tyler Reks makes his on screen debut, he told Zach Ryder he is debuting on the next episode of Superstars. This guy looks like he has potential, Ricky Ortiz 2.0. He’s a surfer and gets a rush from surfing the SoCal waves. Ryder is incandescent with anger and calls him a rookie. After 10 years in WWE Ryder can say that. WooWooWoo, you know it.

William Regal is backstage with Kozlov, he says not to embarass him as it is his first night on ECW. Kozlov understands and shall embarss him.

Christian & Tommy get in to a small argument, they are still bros and are okay to compete.

Main Event of ECW, Christian & Dreamer vs Kozlov & Regal. Finish sees Kozlov pin Dreamer. Hopefully Kozlov wins the ECW Silver Championship soon. Regal should be a good edition to ECW and has a lot to offer to the new talent.

Rating ( ** )

Good show and enjoyed the new talent.

Written by Callum MacInnes

July 5, 2009 at 5:35 pm

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